Cliches and Stereotypes abound - the bad aliens speak with a Russo-German accent and dress in black, while the good aliens (who pass off as human) are blonde and blue- eyed.
One good alien referred to as Number Four/ John Smith (Alex Pettyfer) straddles the better part of the narrative until Number Six (Teresa Palmer) - his saviour - plays a BIG role in the climactic showdown. These two are part of a group of nine aliens which has ought refuge in " a good place, the best place in the universe" (Mother Earth) from the evil Mogadorians who seek to destroy them. We learn that Number Three has died, we're not sure if the others survived.
On the run, curly-haired, tanned John lands up in high school (much in the manner of a certain pallid Edward), under the watchful tutelage of Henri (Timothy Olyphant) his protector who doesn't want him to really use he's got superpowers in case he attracts the attentions of the Mogadorians.
Young people should know better but don't, and it doesn't take long for John to stand up for a bullied boy and fall for Sarah (Dianna Agron) Snide, an amateur photographer.
The young leads have nice (dyed) blonde locks, Pettyfer has a great voice as does his bete noire who still has the hots for Sarah. Sigh. You're sorry for the bullied chap, whose father has disappeared in a related development, but the relentless action doesn't give you time to care.
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