Friday, February 25, 2011

Economic Survey 2011 : Need to Revamp Health & Education

The Economic Survey calls for reforms in basic health and education that will be “ faster and wider spread”. It also calls for bold decisions, such as public-private partnership (PPP) to aid in the growth of the higher education sector.

On the expenditure on social sector schemes and programmes, it observes that given the “ higher priority of this sector”, expenditure on social services in proportion to total expenditure rose from 23% in 2008- 09 to 25% in 2010- 11.

Despite this, the Survey states that after six decades of planned economic development, a large part of the population, majorly in segments like landless agricultural labourers, marginal farmers, SCs, STs and OBCs, “ continue to suffer social and financial exclusion”. The report called upon the Centre to capitalise on the “ demographic dividend” and make economic progress.

The Survey has urged for the smooth implementation of the Right to Education Act, which ensures free education for all children between the ages of 6 and 14 years.

It reminded the government that “ the RTE Act must face no implementation deficit for it to work towards realising the demographic dividend”.


body lift guide said...

I agree with that. Health should be prefer first priority. Health is most important than others.

Lipo said...

Now a days health is very important for every one so I think health is wealth. So health is important as compare to other. Thanks for the Information.

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